Second wave of Corona virus hits India : 8 new symptoms identified by doctors

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As the second wave of covid hits India, doctors have started to identify newer symptoms which suggest that you have contracted the virus. A concerning situation has arose between the masses. Prior to this there were a few symptoms like cold, cough and fever which identified itself with the contraction of the virus. In accordance to that doctors have identified 8 new symptoms of the deadly coronavirus which cannot should not be ignored by any individual.

8 new symptoms of the coronavirus:

Unusual Cough


Cough is a common symptom for which patients seek medical attention from general medicine physicians and pulmonologists. Any cough persisting beyond a certain time limit should not be ignored. Immediate physician consultation should be seeked.

Pink eye

Pink Eye

Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is an irritation or inflammation of the conjunctiva, which covers the white part of the eyeball. It can be caused by allergies or a bacterial or viral infection. Lately it has been identified as a symptom of covid.



Breathlessness is an unpleasant sensation of uncomfortable, rapid or difficult breathing. People say they feel puffed, short of breath or winded. The medical term is dyspnoea. Your chest may feel tight and breathing may hurt. This can be an indicator of contraction of Coronavirus.

Stomach Trouble

Stomach Trouble

Problems specific to the stomach and upper gastrointestinal tract include belching, heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), hiatal hernias (weakened area of the diaphragm that allows the stomach to protrude into the chest), gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining), or peptic ulcers. It can lead to the spread of Covid as it has come up as a new symptom.



Fatigue is a term used to describe an overall feeling of tiredness or lack of energy. It isn’t the same as simply feeling drowsy or sleepy. When you’re fatigued, you have no motivation and no energy. If such signs are visible then immediate action should be taken.

Brain Fog

Brain Fog

Brain fog is the inability to have a sharp memory or to lack a sharp focus. You just really feel like you’re not yourself and you’re unable to think clearly. That can encompass a lot of different medical conditions and issues. Together, we can figure out what the root cause is by taking a whole body approach

Heart Palpitations

Heart Palpitations

A sensation that the heart is racing, pounding, fluttering or skipping a beat, often bothersome, but hardly ever a sign of heart disease. Such symptoms should be considered immediate indication of covid contraction.

Loss of Taste and Smell

Loss of Taste and Smell

Temporary loss of smell, anosmia, and taste, ageusia, are two symptoms that can differentiate COVID-19 from the common cold and flu, according to a new statement by the US Surgeon General Jerome Adams, MD, MPH.1 These two symptoms are also some of the earliest and most commonly reported indicators of COVID-19 and may better predict positivity compared with other symptoms such as fever and cough.


Seek immediate medical attention if you have serious symptoms. Always call before visiting your doctor or health facility. People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should manage their symptoms at home. On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days. During such a phase utmost care should be taken. The second wave of Covid has caused a lot of problems through out the country.

Each one of us is responsible for the condition. Hence its important to take the necessary precautions to keep us and the individuals around us safe.

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